Sunday, August 7, 2011

The Power of Prayer and Action

The attention span of an average adult over 60 these days is somewhere from 3 to 6 minutes, and below.  If you do not have a blog of interest within that time, chances are your blog will not be read.  It is therefore that I intend to go the shortest route and to the point.  Today all anybody wants to do is blah, blah, blah, blog, blog blog, all talk and no action.  The time for talk in this country folks is over.  It is time for us to do the only two things left to do that we are not doing today.  One is the power of prayer.  If enough of us fervently pray with meaning and purpose, we can move mountains. Pray aloud in public, pray in Church, Pray, pray, pray.  The other thing we must do in this country is to spring into action.  As talkers we are loser, we must become "do'zers".!!!  We have much to do to save the country from Hollywood DC, and we must stop just talking about it and do something.  The very first thing we can do and prepare for is to put forth some new and viable candidates and vote out ALL OF THE INCUMBENTS.  Vote'em out, Vote'em all out, Every Time, Every Term.  This is action the "politicians" will understand that "We The People" truly mean business.  I have heard it said that no One man can truly make a difference, but it takes a movement or alot of people.  Well folks, you have never met this "ONE MAN", and I intend to make a difference.  I have been a "One Man Show", most of my life, so it is high time to turn my talents to the American Patriotic Arena.  Calling all Veterans, it is we the Military men and women that serve to provide and protect the freedoms we as Americans enjoy.  Unfortunately it looks as though it will be us again that must in the interest of Freedom and Free Will, take the reins in our hands and guide the idiots of this nation out of this mess.  My blogs will be short, 3 to 5 minutes, but to the point and I welcome all comers with opinions to either agree or disagree, but the civility of tongue to agree to disagree and WITHOUT FOUL LANGUANGE.  It takes more intelligence to speak without cursing than it does to bully someone into the corner with foul cursing and vitriol. After all, we ALL are in this Ship the USS America together, and unless we want HER to become the USS Titanic, we had better START DO'ZING!!!!!  Hb

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